Index Garden Flowers
- Abyssinian Gladiolus, Peacock Orchid, Fragrant Gladiolus, Sword Lily
- Acantholimon, Prickly Thrift
- Adam's needle, Spoonleaf Yucca, Needle-Palm
- Adenophora, Lady Bells
- Adonis
- Adonis sibirica
- African Daisy, Cape Daisy
- Agastache, Hybrid Anise Hyssop, Mexican Mint
- Ajania
- Alaska bellheather
- Ale Ivy, Field Balm, Ground Ivy
- Allegheny Vine, Climbing Fumitory, Mountain Fringe
- Alligator flag, Powdery Thalia, Hardy canna
- Alpine Aster
- Alpine Bluets, Mountain Bluets, Quaker Ladies
- Alpine Penny-cress
- Alpine Spring Beauty
- Alstroemeria, Peruvian Lily, Lily of the Incas
- Amaranthus, Love-Lies-Bleeding, Kiwicha
- Amberboa, sweet sultan
- American Pokeweed, Inkberry, Pidgeonberry
- Amethyst Sea Holly, Alpine Eryngo, Alpine Sea Holly
- Amur Adonis
- Anacyclus radiatus
- Anemone
- Angel's fishing rod, Fairy Wand, Wandflower
- Angel's trumpet, Devil's Trumpet, Horn of Plenty, Downy Thorn Apple
- Angelonia Serena, Summer Snapdragon
- Annual Mallow, Rose Mallow, Royal Mallow, Regal Mallow
- Annual Phlox, Drummond's Phlox
- Antennaria, Cat's foot
- Arcterica
- Arctic Forget-me-not, Alpine forget-me-not
- Arctic Raspberry, Arctic Bramble
- Arctous
- Argemona
- Arnebia
- Arnica
- Arrowleaf False Pickerelweed
- Arum italicum
- Asparagus
- Asperula
- Aster
- Astilbe, False Goat's Beard, Fanal
- Astilboides, Shieldleaf Roger's Flower
- Astragalus
- Asyneuma
- Atlasflower, Farewell-to-Spring, Godetia
- Atragene, Small-flowered Clematis
- Aubrieta, Rock Cress
- Australian Bluebell, Tall Bluebell
- Austrian Leopard's Bane
- Avens
- Avens, Geum
- Azorella, Yareta
- Aztec Lily, Jacobean Lily
- Baboon Flower
- Baby Sunrose, Heartleaf Ice Plant
- Bacopa (Sutera)
- Baimashania
- Balloon Flower, Chinese Bellflower
- Balloon Vine, Love in a Puff, Heartseed
- Balm
- Barbarea Rupicola
- Barren Strawberry
- Bartonia aurea
- Basella
- Basket of Gold
- Bee Balm, Wild Bergamot
- Bellis daisy, English Daisy, Lawn Daisy, Bruisewort
- Bells of Ireland
- Berg Lily, Summer Hyacinth, Cape Hyacinth
- Bergenia
- Betonica grandiflora
- Big Betony
- Big Bluestem, Turkeyfoot
- Bigleaf Ligularia, Leopard Plant, Golden Groundsel
- Billy buttons
- Black eye Susan
- Black-eyed Susan, Eastern Coneflower, Orange Coneflower, Showy Coneflower
- Blackberry Lily, Leopard Lily
- Bladderwort
- Blanket Flower
- Bleeding heart, Dicentra
- Bloodroot, Red Puccoon
- Blue Daisy, Blue Marguerite
- Blue dogbane
- Blue Lace Flower, Rottnest Island Daisy
- Blue pimpernel
- Blue rock bindweed
- Blue Stickseed
- Blue-Eyed Mary, Chinese Houses
- Bog Rosemary, Common Bog Rosemary, Marsh Andromeda
- Bolton's Aster, White Doll's Daisy, False Aster, False Chamomile
- Bomarea
- Bonnet Bellflower
- Borage
- Bowles Golden Grass, Golden Millet Grass, Golden Wood Mille
- Bowmans root,
- Brooklime
- Buckwheat
- Buckwheat
- Bugbane, Fairy Candles
- Bugle, Bugleweed
- Bulbine, Bulbinella, Burn Jelly Plant, Stalked Bulbine, Orange Bulbine
- Bull's Eye, Daisy Bush, African Bush-daisy, Paris Daisy, Golden Daisy Bush
- Bur Marigold, Apache Beggarticks
- Burnet
- Burridges Greenthread, Burridge's Green-thread
- Bush Daisy, Green Euryops
- Bush Violet, Sapphire Flower
- Butter Daisy, Melampodium, Gold Medallion Flower, Star Daisy
- Butterbur
- Butterfly Pea
- Butterflyweed
- Calibrachoa, Million Bells
- California Poppy
- Californian bluebell, Lacy Phacelia, Blue Curls, Caterpillar, Fiddleneck, Spider Flower, Wild Heliotrope
- Calla Lily, Arum Lily
- Callianthemum
- Calystegia
- Camassia
- Campanula, Bellflower
- Campanula, Bellflower
- Campanula, Italian Bellflower
- Canada Anemone, Meadow Anemone
- Canada Mayflower, False Lily of the Valley
- Candytuft
- Canna Lily, Indian shot plant
- Cape Daisy, Monarch of the Veldt
- Cape Daisy, Monarch of the Veldt
- Cape Fuchsia
- Cape Jewels
- Cape Marigold, African Daisy
- Cape Tulip
- Cardinal Climber, Cypress Vine, Indian Pink
- Cardinal flower, Mexican lobelia
- Carnation
- Carolina Sea Lavender
- Cat mint
- Cathedral Bells, Cup and saucer plant, Cup and saucer vine
- Caucasian Penny Cress
- Chamois Cress
- Chamomile Lawn, Roman Chamomile
- Checkerbloom, Miniature Hollyhock, Prairie Mallow, Checker Mallow
- Chilean glory flower
- China Aster
- Chinese foxglove
- Chinese Gentian
- Chinese Lantern Lily, Christmas Bells
- Chinese Lantern Plant, Strawberry Ground Cherry
- Chloranthus
- Christmas Rose, Lenten Rose
- Cinquefoil
- Cladanthus
- Clarkia, Garland Flower, Mountain Garland
- Clary Sage, Painted Sage, Horminum Sage
- Clematis
- Clown Flower, Wishbone Flower
- Cockscomb, Plume Plant, Feathered Amaranth
- Collomia
- Columbine flabellata, European columbine
- Comfrey
- Common Fumitory, Beggary, Earth Smoke, Wax Dolls
- Common Periwinkle, Creeping Myrtle, Flower-of-Death
- Common Twayblade, Egg-Shaped Leaf Neottia
- Coneflower, Eastern Coneflower
- Coral Bells, Alumroot, Coralbells, Alum Root
- Coral Drops
- Coriander, Cilantro, Chinese Parsley
- Corn Cockle
- Corn Poppy
- Cornflower
- Cornflower Aster, Stokes Aster
- Cortusa, Alpine Bells
- Corydalis
- Cosmos
- Cotton Grass
- Cotula
- Crassula milfordiae
- Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox
- Creeping Zinnia, Sanvitalia
- Crocosmia
- Crossflower, Purple Mustard, Blue Mustard, Common Bluemustard, Musk Mustard, Beanpodded Mustard, Tenella Mustard
- Crosswort
- Crown Imperial Fritillaria
- Crown Vetch
- Crown Windfower, Grecian Windflower, Poppy Anemone
- Culver's Root, Bowman's Root, Black Root
- Cup Flower
- Cup Plant. Rosinweed
- Cuphea
- Curled Tansy, Curly Tansy, Double Tansy, Fern-leaf Tansy, Fernleaf Golden Buttons, Silver Tansy
- Curly Cup Gumweed
- Cyananthus
- Cymbalaria, Kenilworth Ivy, Climbing Sailor, Ivy-leaved Toad Flax
- Cypress Spurge, Bonaparte's Crown, Graveyard Moss
- Daffodil
- Dahlia
- Dairy Pink, Cow Herb, Cow Basil, Cow Cockle
- Day Flower, Spiderwort, Widows Tears
- Daylily
- Degenia
- Deinanthe
- Delphinium
- Dendranthema
- Dentaria
- Dianthus perrenial
- Dianthus, China Pinks
- Diascia, Twinspur
- Double-Flowered Yellow Wood Anemone, Buttercup Anemone
- Douglasia, Rocky Mountain Dwarf-Primrose, Vitaliana
- Draba
- Dragons Mouth
- Dutch Hyacinth
- Dutch Iris, Spanish Iris
- Dwarf pepperweed
- Dwarf Snapdragon, Fairy Snapdragon, Malling Toadflax
- Dyer's Greenweed
- Fairy bells
- Fairy Fan Flower
- Fairy Foxglove
- False Anemone
- False Autumn Crocus, Showy Colchicum, Naked Ladies, Meadow Saffron
- False Baby Stars
- False Blue Flax
- False forget-me-not
- False Garlic
- False Hellebore
- False indigo
- False Lily of the Valley, Wild Lily of the Valley, Two-leaf False Solomon's Seal
- False Lupine, Lanceleaf Thermopsis
- False Sunflower, Ox-eye, Sunflower Heliopsis
- Fawn Lily
- Featherleaf Rodgersia, Rodgers Flower
- Field Gromwell, Corn Gromwell
- Five Leaf Akebia, Chocolate Vine
- Floating Heart, Water Fringe, Yellow Water Snowflake
- Florist's Cineraria
- Florists Mum, Pot Mum
- Floss Flower
- Floss Flower
- Flowering Cabbage, Ornamental Kale, Collard, Curly kale
- Flowering Rush
- Flowering Tobacco
- Fly Poison
- Foothill Penstemon, Chaparral Penstemon, Bunchleaf Penstemon
- Forget-me-not
- Four O'Clock, Marvel of Peru
- Foxglove
- Foxtail Lily, Desert Candle
- Foxtail Millet
- Fragrant Orchid, Mosquito Gymnadenia
- Freesia
- Galatella
- Garden Phlox
- Garden Stock
- Garden Thyme, English Thyme, Common Thyme
- Gas Plant, Burning Bush
- Gaultheria, Checkerberry
- Gaura
- Gayfeather, Blazing Star, Button Snakeroot
- Gentian, Willow gentian
- German Chamomile, Scented Mayweed
- Giant Fleeceflower, White Fleece Flower, White Dragon
- Giant Knotweed
- Giant Lily
- Giant scabious
- Gilia, Bird's Eyes
- Gladiolus
- Globe Amaranth
- Globe Daisy
- Globe flower
- Globe flower
- Globe thistle
- Glory of the snow
- Glory Of The Sun
- Glory Of The Sun
- Goat's rue
- Goatsbeard
- Gold Lobelia, Yellow Lobelia
- Golden Club
- Golden drop
- Golden Marguerite, Dyer's Chamomile
- Goldencreeper
- Goldenrod
- Goldenstar, Green-and-gold
- Goldmane Tickseed
- Gooseneck Loosestrife
- Grape hyacinth
- Grass Nut, Ithuriel's Spear, Wally Basket
- Grass of Parnassis, Bog Star
- Grass Pink Orchid
- Great Yellowcress
- Ground Morning Glory, Bush Morning Glory, Silverbush
- Ground Orchid, The Striped Bletilla
- Gypsophila
- Gypsophila aretioides
- Gypsophila bungeana
- Haberlea
- Hacquetia
- Hardy geranium, Wild Geranium
- Hardy Gloxinia
- Hardy Ice Plant
- Hare's Ear, Roundleaf Thorow Wax, Thoroughwax
- Hawaii Arrowhead, Japanese Arrowhead
- Hedge hyssop
- Helichrysum perrenial
- Heliotrope, Cherry pie plant
- Hemp Nettle
- Heron's Bill, Stork's Bill
- Himalayan blue poppy
- Himalayan Knotweed, Himalayan Fleece Flower
- Hollyhock
- Honeysuckle Fuchsia
- Honeywort, Blue Shrimp Plant, Blue Wax Flower
- Hooded-leaf Pelargonium, Tree Pelargonium, Wilde Malva
- Horned Pansy, Horned Violet
- Horned Rampion
- Hound's Tongue, Gypsyflower, Chinese Forget-Me-Not
- Hyacinthella pallasiana
- Hypericum
- Hypericum olimpicum
- Hyssop
- Lady Slipper Orchid
- Lady's mantle
- Lady's Slipper, Slipper Flower, Slipperwort, Pocketbook Plant, Pouch Flower
- Lamb's Tail
- Lamium, Dead Nettle
- Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Tickseed Coreopsis
- Lantana
- Large merrybells, Large Bellwort
- Large-flowered Phlox, Mountain Phlox, California Phlox
- Lathyrus tuberosus
- Laurentia
- Lavender
- Lavender Cotton, Holy Herb, Ground Cypress, Petite Cypress, Green Santolina
- Leopard's bane
- Lesser calamint
- Lewisia, Cliff Maids, Siskiyou Lewisia, Siskiyou Bitterroot
- Lily of the Nile, African Lily
- Lily of the valley, May Bells, Our Lady's Tears
- Lily The Asiatic Hybrids
- Lily-of-the-Altai, Lavender Mountain Lily, Siberian Lily, Sky Blue Mountain Lily, Tartar Lily
- Linaria
- Linaria bipartita
- Lingonberry, Mountain Cranberry, Cowberry, Foxberry
- Linum perennial
- Lion's ear, Lion's Tail, Wild Dagga
- Liverleaf, Liverwort, Roundlobe Hepatica
- Livingstone Daisy
- Longleaf Speedwell
- Longspur Epimedium, Barrenwort
- Loosestrife
- Love Plant, Cupid's Dart
- Love-in-a-mist
- Lungwort
- Mallow, French Hollyhock
- Malope
- Maltese Cross, Jerusalem Cross, London Pride
- Mare's Tail
- Marigold
- Marsh Helleborine, Swamp Epipactis
- Marsh Marigold, Kingcup
- Marsh Orchid, Spotted Orchid
- Martagon Lily, Common Turk's Cap Lily
- Mask flower
- Masterwort
- Mazus
- Meadow rue
- Meadowsweet, Dropwort
- Mediterranean Bells, Sicilian Honey Lily, Ornamental Onion, Sicilian Garlic
- Mexican Coral Vine, Coral Creeper, Honolulu Creeper, Corallita, Chinese Love Vine
- Mexican Daisy, Santa Barbara Daisy, Dancing Daisy, Latin American Fleabane, Seaside Daisy
- Mexican Hats, Grey Headed Coneflower, Upright Prairie Coneflower, Yellow Coneflower, Red Hats
- Mexican Winecups, Poppy Mallow
- Mian Shen
- Mignonette Seward, Reseda odorata
- Milkwort
- Milla, Mexican Star
- Minoan Lace, White Lace Flower
- Money Plant, Honesty, Bolbonac, Moonwort, Silver Dollar
- Moneywort, Creeping jenny
- Monkey Flower
- Monkey Moss
- Monkshood
- Moon Carrot
- Moonflower, Moon Vine, Giant White Moonflower
- Moraea
- Morning Glory, Blue Dawn Flower
- Mosquito Flower
- Moss Campion
- Mount Atlas Daisy, Mt. Atlas Daisy, Pellitory, Spanish Chamomile
- Mountain Fleece
- Mouse Plant, Mousetail Plant
- Mouse-ear Gypsophila
- Painted Tongue
- Paper Daisy, Sunray
- Parachute daisy
- Parrot's Beak, Coral Gem, Pelican's Beak
- Pasque flower
- Patience Plant, Balsam, Jewel Weed, Busy Lizzie
- Pearl everlasting
- Pennants, African Cornflag, Cobra Lily
- Peony
- Peppermint
- Persian Cornflower, Knapweed
- Persian Violet, German Violet
- Peruvian Daffodil, Perfumed Fairy Lily, Delicate Lily
- Petunia
- Petunia Fortunia
- Phlomis
- Pimpinella Anisum
- Pineapple Flower, Pineapple Lily
- Pineapples
- Pink Hawk's Beard, Hawksbeard
- Pipsissewa, Prince's Pine, Ground Holly
- Plume Poppy, Bocconia
- Poached egg plant, Meadow Foam
- Polygala amara
- Poor Man's Orchid, Butterfly Flower
- Pot Marigold
- Potato Vine Sydney, Blue Potato Bush, Paraguay Nightshade, Blue Lycianthes
- Prairie Gentian, Lisianthus, Texas Bluebell
- Primrose
- Puncturevine, Caltrop, Goat's Head, Bullhead, Maltese Cross
- Purple Bell Vine
- Purple Berkheya
- Purple Fringed Loosestrife
- Purple Joe Pye weed, Sweet Joe Pye Weed
- Purple Loosestrife, Wand Loosestrife
- Purple Viper's Bugloss, Salvation Jane, Paterson's Curse, Riverina Bluebell
- Rain Lily
- Ranunculus, Persian Buttercup,Turban Buttercup, Persian Crowfoot
- Red Feathered Clover, Ornamental Clover, Red Trefoil
- Red hot poker, Torch Lily, Tritoma
- Red Star, Rosy Posy
- Red Turtlehead, Purple Turtlehead
- Rhodiola, Roseroot, Sedum, Leedy's Roseroot, Stonecrop
- Ring Bellflower
- Ringflower
- Rock cress
- Rock rose
- Romulea
- Roscoea
- Rose of Heaven
- Rose Periwinkle, Cayenne Jasmine, Madagascar Periwinkle, Old Maid, Vinca
- Rose Verbena, Clump Verbena, Homestead Verbena
- Rosebay willowherb
- Ruby Glow Hyacinth Bean
- Rue anemone
- Russian Sage
- Rydberg Twinpod, Double Bladderpod
- Safflower, False Saffron, American Saffron, Dyer's Saffron
- Sand Verbena
- Sandwort
- Saxifraga
- Scabiosa, Pincushion Flower
- Scarlet Flax, Red Flax, Flowering Flax
- Scarlet Monardella, Hummingbird Coyote Mint
- Scarlet Runner Bean, Scarlet Conqueror, Fire Bean, Mammoth, Red Gian
- Scarlet Sage, Scarlet Salvia, Red Sage, Red Salvia
- Schivereckia
- Schizocodon soldanelloides
- Scotch Broom, Broomtops, Common Broom, European Broom, Irish Broom
- Scrambling Gromwell
- Sea lavender
- Sea pink, Sea thrift
- Sea Poppy, Horned Poppy
- Sea thrift
- Seaside Daisy, Beach Aster, Flebane
- Sedum aizoon
- Sego Lily, Tolmie's Star Tulip, Hairy Pussy Ears
- Self-Heal, Selfheal, Heal All
- Semenov's Amur Maple
- Sheep's bit Scabious, Creeping Winter Savory
- Shoofly Plant, Apple of Peru
- Shooting star, American Cowslip, Indian Chief, Rooster Heads, Pink Flamingo Plant
- Showy Elecampagne, Elecampane Magnificent
- Showy Stonecrop
- Siberian squill, Scilla
- Sida hermaphrodita, Rusby, Virginia fanpetals
- Sideritis taurica
- Silene
- Silene alpestris
- Silvery Dwarf Harebell
- Sleepy Daisy
- Smelovskia
- Smooth Solomon's Seal, Sealwort
- Snapdragon, Weasel's Snout
- Sneezeweed, Helen's Flower, Dogtooth Daisy
- Sneezewort, Sneezeweed, Brideflower
- Snow Poppy, Chinese Bloodroot
- Snow-in-summer
- Snow-On-The-Mountain
- Snowcup, Spurred Anoda, Wild Cotton
- Snowdrop
- Soapwort
- Soldanella
- Solidaster
- Solms-Laubachia
- Southern Spatterdock, Yellow Pond Lily, Yellow Cow Lily
- Sow Bread, Hardy Cyclamen
- Spanish Bluebell, Wood Hyacinth
- Spanish gorse, Spanish Broom
- Spanish Hyacinth
- Spanish Shawl, Princess Flower, Sea of Flowers
- Sparaxis, Harlequin Flower
- Species Orchid, Black Vanilla Orchid, Black Gymnadenia
- Species Orchid, Lesser Butterfly Orchid, Two-Leafed Platanthera
- Spider Flower, Spider Legs, Grandfather's Whiskers
- Spider Lily, Ismene, Sea Daffodil
- Spider Lily, Surprise Lily
- Spikerush
- Spiny bear's breeches
- Spring Meadow Saffron
- Spring Snowflake, St. Agnes' Flower
- Spring Starflower
- St Bernard's lily
- St Bruno's Lily
- Standing Cypress, Scarlet Gilia
- Star-of-Bethlehem
- Starwort
- Stemless carline
- Sticky Monkeyflower
- Stonecress, Aethionema
- Stonecrop
- Stout Blue-eyed Grass, Blue eye-grass
- Strawberry
- Strawberry Sticks
- Strawflowers, Paper Daisy
- Streamside Lupin
- Striped Cobra Lily, Chinese Jack-in-the-Pulpit
- Striped Squill, Snowdrift, Early Stardrift
- Sun Plant, Portulaca, Rose Moss
- Sunflower
- Sunflower Tree, Tree Marigold, Wild Sunflower, Mexican Sunflower
- Swamp milkweed, Maypops, Rose Milkweed, Red Milkweed
- Swan River daisy
- Sweet Alyssum, Sweet Alison, Seaside Lobularia
- Sweet cicely
- Sweet Marjoram, Knotted Marjoram
- Sweet Pea
- Sweet Pea, Everlasting Pea
- Sweet rocket, Dame's Rocket
- Sweet William
- Sweet Woodruff, Our Lady's Lace, Sweetscented Bedstraw
- Sweet-William Catchfly, None-So-Pretty, Rose of Heaven
- Swordleaf Inula, Slender-leaved Elecampagne, Elecampane, Narrow-leaved Inula
- Tanacetum parthenium
- Tassel flower, Flora's paintbrush
- Teasel
- Telekia, Yellow Oxeye, Heartleaf Oxeye
- Teucrium
- Thalictrum petaloideum
- Thin-leaved Sunflower
- Throatwort
- Thymeleaf Sandwort, Irish Moss, Sandwort
- Tiarella, Foam flower
- Tickseed
- Tidy tips
- Tiger Flower, Mexican Shell Flower
- Toad Lily
- Torch Lily, Blood Lily, Paintbrush Lily, Football Lily, Powderpuff Lily, Fireball Lily
- Townsendia, Easter Daisy
- Treasure Flower
- Tridax
- Trillium, Wakerobin, Tri Flower, Birthroot
- Triteleia, Grass Nut, Ithuriel's Spear, Wally Basket
- Tulip
- Tunicflower
- Twinflower
- Twining Snapdragon, Creeping Gloxinia
- Twinleaf
- Waldheimia
- Wallflower, Cheiranthus
- Water Aloe, Water Soldier, Crab's Claw
- Water Avens, Bog Avens, Cure All
- Water Calla
- Water Celery, Water Parsley, Water Dropwort
- Water hawthorn
- Water hyacinth
- Water lily
- Water plantain
- Water Primrose, Marsh Purslane, Marsh Seedbox
- Water Primrose, Marsh Purslane, Marsh Seedbox
- Water Violet
- Watsonia, Bugle Lily
- Wax Begonia, Tuberous Begonia
- Wax Begonias
- White Asphodel
- White Buttercup, Pale Evening Primrose
- White Water Buttercup
- Wild Balsam-apple, Wild Cucumber
- Wind Poppy
- Winged everlasting
- Winter aconite
- Wintergreen
- Wood Sorrel, Whitsun Flower, Green Snob, Sleeping Beauty
- Wulfenia
- Yarrow, Milfoil, Staunchweed, Sanguinary, Thousandleaf, Soldier's Woundwort
- Yellow Ageratum, Golden Ageratum, African Daisy
- Yellow Daisy
- Yellow Hardhead, Bighead Knapweed, Giant Knapweed, Armenian Basketflower, Lemon Fluff Knapweed
- Yellow Hawkweed
- Yellow hawkweed, Fox and Cubs, Orange Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush, Grim-the-Collier, Red Daisy
- Yellow Loosestrife
- Yellow skunk cabbage
- Yellow Wax Bells
- Yerba Mansa, False Anemone, Lizard Tail
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