Flower Lily The Asiatic Hybrids

Latin name: Lilium

orange Flower Lily The Asiatic Hybrids photo
pink Flower Lily The Asiatic Hybrids photo
lilac Flower Lily The Asiatic Hybrids photo
white Flower Lily The Asiatic Hybrids photo
red Flower Lily The Asiatic Hybrids photo
yellow Flower Lily The Asiatic Hybrids photo
burgundy Flower Lily The Asiatic Hybrids photo

click photo to enlarge

flower colorburgundy, lilac, pink, yellow, orange, red, white
life spanperennial
landscape useflowerbed, specimen, border
timing of floweringjuly, june
soil acidityneutral soil
soil typesandy loam soil, loamy soil
water needsmoderate
light needssemi-shade, full sun
cold hardiness zone9 (-7 to -1°C), 8 (-12 to -7°C), 7 (-18 to -12°C), 6 (-23 to -18°C), 5 (-29 to -23°C), 4 (-34 to -29°C), 3 (-40 to -34°C)
method of cultivationnon seedlings
poisonous or toxicnot poisonous plant
type of stemerect
fragrant flowerno fragrance
shelter in wintershelter is not required
plant height (cm)70-100 cm
flower sizelarge
frost resistancefrost resistance

*Some characteristics are relevant for a temperate climate

Flower Lily The Asiatic Hybrids photo

catalog: Garden Flowers

Yellow skunk cabbage
Yellow skunk cabbage
Spider Lily, Surprise Lily
Spider Lily, Surprise Lily
Martagon Lily, Common Turk's Cap Lily
Martagon Lily, Common Turk's Cap Lily
Oriental Lily
Oriental Lily
Poached egg plant, Meadow Foam
Poached egg plant, Meadow Foam

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$6.99 ($0.07 / Count)

$14.99 ($0.60 / Count)

$6.49 ($0.01 / Count)


$19.99 ($5.00 / Ounce)

$6.96 ($0.07 / Count)


$49.99 ($25.00 / Pound)

$7.98 ($0.08 / Count)

$17.99 ($3.00 / Count)

$21.20 ($3.53 / Count)

Outsidepride Marigold Flower Seed Mix - 1000 Seeds
Texas Bluebonnet Seeds (Lupinus texensis) - Over 1,000 Premium Seeds - by 'createdbynature'
BIG PACK - (60,000+) Alyssum Royal Carpet Seeds - Fragrant Lobularia maritima - Attracts Honey Bees, Butterfly - Ground Cover for Zones 3+ Flower Seeds By MySeeds.Co (Big Pack - Alyssum Royal Carpet)
Teddy Bear Sunflower Seeds | 20 Seeds | Exotic Garden Flower | Sunflower Seeds for Planting | Great for Hummingbirds and Butterflies
Sweet Yards Seed Co. Black Eyed Susan Seeds – Extra Large Packet – Over 100,000 Open Pollinated Non-GMO Wildflower Seeds – Rudbeckia hirta
130,000+ Pure Wildflower Seeds - Premium Texas Flower Seeds [3 Oz] Perennial Garden Seeds for Birds & Butterflies - Wild Flowers Bulk Seeds Perennial: 22 Varieties Flower Seed for Planting



flower size
plant height (cm)
fragrant flower
type of stem
shelter in winter
poisonous or toxic
frost resistance
method of cultivation
flower color
landscape use
cold hardiness zone
timing of flowering
light needs
soil acidity
water needs
soil type
life span

garden flowers and plants, shrubs and trees for landscaping; indoor plants 2024-2025
Ornamental plants and flowers for the garden and home. Indoor plants.
Description and characteristics, photo, cultivation and maintenance.
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