Perky Plant | One Plant Donated for Every Bottle Sold | Water Soluble Organic House Plant Food Fertilizer | Formulated for Live Indoor House Plants | Simply Shake in Watering Can or Plant Pots
Indoor Plant Food: All-Purpose Ready-to-use Fertilizer for houseplants. 8 Liquid Ounces. Great for Your pothos, Peace Lily, Spider Plant, Ferns, Palms, ficus, African Violets, Cactus and More!
Liquid Indoor Plant Food, Easy Peasy Plants House Plant 4-3-4 Plant Nutrients | Lasts Same as 16 oz Bottle
Organic Liquid Seaweed and Kelp Fertilizer Supplement by Bloom City, Quart (32 oz) Concentrated Makes 180 Gallons
Organic Canopy Mist Fertilizer Supplement for All Houseplants from Home Jungle