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6,16 € (24,64 € / l)
11,90 €
14,99 € (14,99 € / Liter)
12,49 € (16,65 € / 100 ml)
11,99 €
8,65 € (8,65 € / l)
4,29 € (1,07 € / l)
20,57 €
12,89 € (9,15 € / kg)
10,99 €
6,92 € (17,30 € / l)
1,44 € (45,00 € / l)
Indoor Plant Food - All-Purpose Fertilizer (Liquid Alternative) - Best for Houseplants Indoors + Common Home Outdoor Plants in Pots (5 oz)
Indoor Plant Food, All-Purpose Organic Plant Food and Fertilizer, NutriDense (5oz) by Humane [NPK 6-4-3]
AMERICAN PLANT EXCHANGE Endless Foliage Care and Feeding Subcription Box, Assorted
Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Plant Food for Ficus Lyrata (and Ficus Audrey) – Calcium Fortified, Urea-Free and with NPK Ratio of 3-1-2 for Healthy Roots, Stems and Leaves (8 Ounces))
Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food 6-2-4 | Liquid Houseplant Fig Tree | Bottle Lasts Twice as Long as Other competitors
House Plant Fertilizer - Complete Slow Release Formula + Micro Nutrients by PowerGrow - Feeds Houseplants for 8 Months and Includes Over a Year Supply (6oz (1 House Plant Fertilizer Bag))
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расада и биљке, жбуње и дрвеће за уређивање; кућа биљка 2023-2024