шкољка Marisa

стрипед шкољка Marisa фотографија

кликните слику за повећање

врста пужева схеллсферне спирала
максимална величинадо 5 цм
температура воде27-28°c
тип акваријумазатворено
комплексност негелако
компатибилност са воденим биљкамаинкомпатибилан
боја шкољкестрипед

шкољка Marisa фотографија

именик: Акваријум слатководна шкољка

Mystery Snail, Apple Snail
Mystery Snail, Apple Snail
Assassin Snail, Snail-Eating Snail
Assassin Snail, Snail-Eating Snail
Horned Nerite Snail
Horned Nerite Snail
Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Zebra Snail
Zebra Snail
Red Lips Snail
Red Lips Snail

Молим вас помозите пројекту! Молимо их поделите! Хвала вам!


Молим вас помозите пројекту: Хвала вам!

14,38 €

38,10 €

3,61 €

10,89 €

9,95 €

11,99 € (23,98 € / l)

9,99 €

19,99 €

8,99 € (8,99 € / stück)

61,87 €

14,21 €

17,99 €

4,80 €

121,98 €

14,99 €
MyReef 3D Aquarium
Coralife LED Biocube Marine or Freshwater Aquarium Kit 32
Your New Saltwater Aquarium: A Step By Step Guide To Creating and Keeping A Stunning Saltwater Aquarium (Aquatic Experts)
Snap! Pond Aquarium 3D
Lpraer 4 Pack Glow Aquarium Decorations Coral Reef Glowing Mushroom Anemone Simulation Glow Plant Glowing Effect Silicone for Fish Tank Decorations
Uniclife 6 Pcs Glowing Jellyfish Ornament Decoration for Aquarium Fish Tank
JANEMO 6 Pcs Fish Tank Decorations,Artificial Aquarium Plants,Used for Household or Office Aquarium Simulation Plastic Hydroponic Plants
QUMY Large Aquarium Plants Artificial Plastic Fish Tank Plants Decoration Ornament for All Fish (D-Purple)


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