Ribe Wheeler Je Kozice Glavače fotografija

Ribe Wheeler Je Kozice Glavače

latinsko ime: Amblyeleotris wheeleri

angleščina ime: Wheeler's Shrimp Goby

črtasto Ribe Wheeler Je Kozice Glavače fotografija

klikni sliko za povečavo

barva ribečrtasto
habitatspodnji sloj
tlagrobi pesek, koralni greben
tip akvarijazapri, odprt
temperatura vodeblizu 25°c
minimalna velikost akvarijane manj kot 50 litrov
tip obnašanjamiren
združljivost z drugimi prebivalciz majhnim mirne ribe
zahtevnost negeenostavno
razredmorske ribe
dolžina rib5-10 cm
oblika telesapodolgovata

Ribe Wheeler Je Kozice Glavače fotografija

katalog: Akvarijske Ribice

Tangaroa Glavače
Tangaroa Glavače
Ward Sleeper (Tiger Čuvaj Glavače)
Ward Sleeper (Tiger Čuvaj Glavače)
Dva Na Kraju Glavače
Dva Na Kraju Glavače
Obarvana Datoteka Ribe
Obarvana Datoteka Ribe
Fantail Oranžna Datoteka Ribe
Fantail Oranžna Datoteka Ribe
Matted Datoteka Ribe
Matted Datoteka Ribe

Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!


Prosim, pomagajte projektu: Hvala vam!

69,00 €

77,87 €

0,00 €

6,97 € (34,85 € / kg)

9,99 €

38,10 €

8,15 €

10,90 €

17,00 € (17,00 € / stück)

61,87 €

8,22 €

0,00 €

24,26 €

6,75 €

64,00 €

17,79 €
Slappers, Bangers & Certified Twangers, Vol. 1
Lifegard Aquatics 22 Gallon Clear Glass Bookshelf Aquarium 8mm (35.82"x11.81"x11.81")
Snap! Pond Aquarium 3D
EcoSmart ECO 11 Electric Tankless Water Heater, 13KW at 240 Volts with Patented Self Modulating Technology
EVIWILL 16 Pieces Aquarium Decorations Coral Castle Fish Tank Decorations Accessories Betta Fish Cave Hideout Barrel Plastic Plants Artificial Starfish Ornament Anemone Multi-colored MJ210420
PENN-PLAX Reptology Shale Scape Step Ledge & Cave Hideout – Decorative Resin for Aquariums & Terrariums – Great for Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fish – Medium
Otimark 2 Piece Silk Soft Fake Small Aquarium Realistic Artificial Plastic Plants for Betta Fish Tank Decorations Plants, Tiny Fish Tank Accessories Plants
2 Pack Betta Fish Leaf Pad Cousduobe Improves Betta's Health by Simulating The Natural Habitat - Natural, Organic, Comfortable Rest Area for Fish Aquarium


okrasne rože in rastline, grmičevje in drevesa za urejanje krajine; sobne rastline 2024-2025
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