Akvarij Rastlin Staurogyne

latinsko ime: Staurogyne sp.

zelen Akvarij Rastlin Staurogyne fotografija

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barva listovzelen
umestitev v akvarijuospredju
tipkorenin v tleh
rodovitnost talsrednje
temperatura vodeblizu 20°c
minimalna velikost akvarijane manj kot 50 litrov
obrazec listovoval
velikost listovvelika
zahtevnost negezmerno
razredsladkovodnih rastlin
vrsta rastlinrastline
višina rastlinedo 10 cm
obliki rastlineizvaljen

Akvarij Rastlin Staurogyne fotografija

katalog: Akvarij Rastlin

Cabomba Australis
Cabomba Australis
Limnophila Aromatica
Limnophila Aromatica
Eriocaulon Melanocephalum
Eriocaulon Melanocephalum
Echinodorus Aspersus
Echinodorus Aspersus
Sirena Weed
Sirena Weed

Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!


Prosim, pomagajte projektu: Hvala vam!

8,39 € (33,56 € / l)

7,99 €

37,95 €

7,59 €

17,99 €

24,99 €

23,99 €

19,99 €

136,82 €

37,35 €

0,00 €

97,26 €

14,90 € (1,49 € / kg)

7,52 €

64,00 €

29,49 €
Alegi Large Aquarium Plants Artificial Plastic Plants Decoration Ornaments Safe for All Fish 21" Tall (Green)
Slappy and the Stinkers
BEGONDIS 2 Pcs Fish Tank Artificial Red Water Plants, Aquarium Decorations Made of Soft Plastic, Safe for All Fish & Pets
4 Potted Live Aquarium Plants Bundle - Anubia, Amazon Sword, Kleiner Bar, Narrow Leaf
QZQ 14 Pack Aquarium Fish Tank Decorations Accessories Decor Set Aquarium Decorations Include Resinous Rockery Barrel Hideouts Coral Aquarium Plants and Resin Starfish and Other
biOrb 46084.0 Moss Pebbles Aquariums
Penn-Plax Striped Sail Shipwreck Aquarium Decoration 2PC Large Over 19 Inches High for Large Fish Tanks, Multi (RR961)
Insaniquarium (Jewel Case)


okrasne rože in rastline, grmičevje in drevesa za urejanje krajine; sobne rastline 2023-2024
Okrasne rastline in cvetje za vrt in dom. Sobne rastline.
Opis in lastnosti, foto, gojenje in vzdrževanje.
Vrtno Cvetje, Trave in Praproti