Fisk Blå Diskos

Latinsk navn: Symphysodon aequifasciata haraldi

Engelsk navn: Blue Discus

lyse blå Fisk Blå Diskos bilde
lyse blå

klikk på bildet for å forstørre

farge fisklyse blå
habitatmidterste laget
type akvariumåpen
minimum akvarium størrelseikke mindre enn 200 liter
type atferdcalm
kompatibilitet med andre innbyggereakvarium arter
kompleksiteten i omsorgfor den erfarne akvaristen
lengden av fisk10-20 cm

Fisk Blå Diskos bilde

katalog: Akvariefisk

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Elektrisk Blå Hap, Elektrisk Blå Cichlid
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Blå Delfin Cichlid, Moorei Cichlid
Red Diskos
Red Diskos
Blå Påfugl Cichlid
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Neolamprologus Brevis
Neolamprologus Brevis

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Vennligst hjelp prosjektet: Takk skal du ha!

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1,29 €

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25,10 €

21,78 €

19,49 €

30,38 €

64,00 €

12,99 €

16,99 €
Aquarium: (Aquarium Books for Kids, Picture Book about Marine Animals, Nature Books)
Fluval Sea Evo XII Saltwater Fish Tank Aquarium Kit, Black, 13.5 gal, 10531A1
Serenity Channel Presents - Scenic Collections - Aquariums
REIRQIE Large Fish Tank Decorations, Mountain View Aquarium Ornament Tree House Cave Bridge Fish Tank Decoration
RONYOUNG Buddha Head Statue Aquarium Decorations Resin Fish Hideout Betta Cave for Large Fish Tank Ornaments Betta Sleep Rest Hide Play Breed, Grey
PINVNBY Aquarium Resin Castle Decoration Fish Tank Driftwood Castle Cave Hideouts House Plants Supplies Accessories(Purple)
Large Aquarium Decorations, Betta Fish Tank Accessories Decorations with Rocks and Plastic Plants, Beta Fish Tank Decor Set for Fish Aquarium Ornaments


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