Indoor Plant Food: All-Purpose Ready-to-use Fertilizer for houseplants. 8 Liquid Ounces. Great for Your pothos, Peace Lily, Spider Plant, Ferns, Palms, ficus, African Violets, Cactus and More!
Indoor Plant Food (Slow-Release Pellets) All-purpose House Plant Fertilizer | Common Houseplant Fertilizers for Potted Planting Soil | by Aquatic Arts
Miracle-Gro Blooming Houseplant Food, 8 oz. (3)
Organic Liquid Seaweed and Kelp Fertilizer Supplement by Bloom City, Quart (32 oz) Concentrated Makes 180 Gallons
SunGro Black Gold All Purpose Natural and Organic Potting Soil Fertilizer Mix for House Plants, Vegetables, Herbs and More, 1 Cubic Feet Bag
Liquid Love - All Purpose Liquid Fertilizer by GS Plant Foods (32 oz) - Natural Fertilizer for Vegetables, Herb Gardens, House Plants, Fruit Trees, Lawns & Shrubs
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