Worms Lucht Leanúna Tubeworm Wreathytuft grianghraf

Worms Lucht Leanúna Tubeworm Wreathytuft

ainm laidine: Spirographis sp.

ainm béarla: Wreathytuft Tubeworm

glas Worms Lucht Leanúna Tubeworm Wreathytuft grianghraf
buí Worms Lucht Leanúna Tubeworm Wreathytuft grianghraf
bándearg Worms Lucht Leanúna Tubeworm Wreathytuft grianghraf

cliceáil grianghraf a mhéadú

speicisworms lucht leanúna
méid uastaníos mó ná 20 cm
reef comhoiriúnachluí
teocht an uisce15-20°c
castacht an chúraimmeasartha
comhoiriúnacht le plandaí uisceachaluí
méid aquarium íostanach lú ná 100 lítear
cineál aquariumgar, oscailte
comhoiriúnacht leis iascluí
dath inveirteabraigh mhuiríbuí, bándearg, glas

Worms Lucht Leanúna Tubeworm Wreathytuft grianghraf

chatalóg: Aquarium inveirteabraigh farraige

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Cabhraigh an tionscadal le do thoil! Comhroinn é le do thoil! Go raibh maith agat!


Cabhraigh an tionscadal le do thoil: Go raibh maith agat!

49,99 €

44,54 €

101,90 €

9,99 €

8,99 €

55,00 €

12,99 €

24,99 €

12,99 €

0,00 €

0,00 €

173,25 €

15,99 €

24,26 €

18,95 €

25,10 €
The Long Haul
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Small Town Hymns
EVIWILL 16 Pieces Aquarium Decorations Coral Castle Fish Tank Decorations Accessories Betta Fish Cave Hideout Barrel Plastic Plants Artificial Starfish Ornament Anemone Multi-colored MJ210420
PTFJZ Fish Tank Decorations-Hollow Tree Trunk Aquarium Decorations Disney Aquarium Decorations for Betta Hideout Caves Large Aquarium Décor Thematic Ornaments
Penn-Plax OJ3 Action Aqua Aquarium Decoration Ornament | Sunken Ship with Plant | Great Detail and Action | Fun Decor for Any Tank
GloFish Aquarium Gravel, Pink/Green/Blue Fluorescent, 5-Pound, Bag Pink/Green/Blue Fluorescent, 4 x 5 x 9 inches ; 5 pounds (29085)


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