Rodgersia Featherleaf, Bláth Rodgers grianghraf

Rodgersia Featherleaf, Bláth Rodgers

bán  Rodgersia Featherleaf, Bláth Rodgers grianghraf
bán  Rodgersia Featherleaf, Bláth Rodgers grianghraf

cliceáil grianghraf a mhéadú

dath bláthbán
tréimhse saoililbhliantúil
úsáid tírdhreachfál, flowerbed, eiseamal, teorann
uainiú bláthannaiúil, meitheamh
aigéadacht ithreachithir neodrach
cineál ithreachloam ghainmheach, loam
riachtanais uiscemeasartha, ard
soilsiúscáth iomlán, leath-scáth
crios fuar4 (-34 go -29°c), 5 (-29 go -23°c), 6 (-23 go -18°c), 7 (-18 go -12°c), 8 (-12 go -7°c), 9 (-7 go -1°c)
modh saothrúsíológa neamh
nimhiúil nó tocsaineachplandaí nach nimhiúil
cineál gasin airde
bláthanna cumhracumhráin
dídean sa gheimhreadhní fothain ag teastáil
airde plandaí (cm)níos airde 100 cm
méid bláthbeag
friotaíocht siocfriotaíocht sioc

*Tá roinnt saintréithe ábhartha le haghaidh aeráide measartha

Rodgersia Featherleaf, Bláth Rodgers grianghraf

chatalóg: Bláthanna Gairdín

Hataí Mheicsiceo, Coneflower Gceannas Liath, Coneflower Prairie Ina Seasamh, Coneflower Buí, Hataí Dearg
Hataí Mheicsiceo, Coneflower Gceannas Liath, Coneflower Prairie Ina Seasamh, Coneflower Buí, Hataí Dearg
Seward Mignonette, Asperula Reseda
Seward Mignonette, Asperula Reseda
Lus Mór Sínis
Lus Mór Sínis
Réalta Dearg, Posy Rosy
Réalta Dearg, Posy Rosy
Vine Clog Corcra
Vine Clog Corcra
German Chamomile, Lus Bealtaine Scented
German Chamomile, Lus Bealtaine Scented

Cabhraigh an tionscadal le do thoil! Comhroinn é le do thoil! Go raibh maith agat!


Cabhraigh an tionscadal le do thoil: Go raibh maith agat!

19,95 €

2,95 €

2,88 € (96,00 € / 100 g)

9,99 € (2,50 € / stück)

2,01 €

6,98 €

1,99 € (0,25 € / stück)

3,25 €

1,99 € (0,03 € / stück)

5,99 € (59,90 € / KG)

7,21 € (72,10 € / kg)

6,90 € (69,00 € / kg)
Little Planters Paint & Grow Fairy Garden with Real Flowers and Magical Fairies - Paint, Plant and Grow Morning Glory, Marigold and Alyssum Flowers - Craft Kit for Kids All Ages Both Girls and Boys
Easy to Grow Houseplants (12 Pack) Live House Plants in Plant Containers, Growers Choice Plant Set in Planters with Potting Soil Mix, Home Décor Planting Kit or Outdoor Garden Gifts by Plants for Pets
90,000+ Wildflower Seeds - Bulk Perennial Wild Flower Seeds Mix - 3oz Flower Garden Seeds for Attracting Bees, Birds & Butterflies - 24 Variety Plant Seeds for Planting Outdoor Garden
Live Aromatic and Healthy Herb - Eucalyptus (4 Per Pack), Natural Air Purifier, 10" Tall by 3" Wide
Sow Right Seeds - Large Full-Color Packet of Mixed Sunflower Seed to Plant - Non-GMO Heirloom - Instructions for Planting - Wonderful Gardening Gift (1)
RattleFree Velvet Queen Sunflower Seeds for Planting | Heirloom | Non-GMO | 50 Sunflower Seeds per Planting Packet | Fresh Garden Seeds



méid bláth
airde plandaí (cm)
bláthanna cumhra
cineál gas
dídean sa gheimhreadh
nimhiúil nó tocsaineach
friotaíocht sioc
modh saothrú
dath bláth
úsáid tírdhreach
crios fuar
uainiú bláthanna
aigéadacht ithreach
riachtanais uisce
cineál ithreach
tréimhse saoil

bláthanna gairdín agus plandaí, toir agus crainn chun tírdhreachú; plandaí faoi dhíon 2024-2025
Plandaí agus bláthanna ornáideacha do ghairdín agus sa bhaile. Plandaí faoi dhíon.
Cur síos agus saintréithe, grianghraf, saothrú agus cothabháil.
Bláthanna Gairdín, Féara agus Raithneach