iasc Gourami Mil grianghraf

iasc Gourami Mil

ainm laidine: Trichogaster chuna

ainm béarla: Honey Gourami

dearg iasc Gourami Mil grianghraf

cliceáil grianghraf a mhéadú

iasc dathdearg
gnáthógciseal barr, ciseal lár
talamhgaineamh garbh, méaróg
cineál aquariumgar
teocht an uiscein aice le 25°c
méid aquarium íostanach lú ná 100 lítear
cineál iompaircalma
comhoiriúnacht le háitritheoirí eilele haon iasc síochánta
castacht an chúraiméasca
aicmeiasc fionnuisce
teaghlachbettas, gouramis
fad na iasc5-10 cm
cruth comhlachtoval

iasc Gourami Mil grianghraf

chatalóg: Aquarium Iasc

Ceylon Combtai
Ceylon Combtai
Gourami Snakeskin
Gourami Snakeskin
Mil Gourami Dwarf
Mil Gourami Dwarf
Gurami Óir
Gurami Óir
Cosby Gourami
Cosby Gourami
Gourami Seacláide
Gourami Seacláide

Cabhraigh an tionscadal le do thoil! Comhroinn é le do thoil! Go raibh maith agat!


Cabhraigh an tionscadal le do thoil: Go raibh maith agat!

15,23 €

4,29 €

15,99 €

10,00 €

0,00 €

52,99 €

16,00 €

2,99 €

25,10 €

97,26 €

173,25 €

76,01 €

18,95 €

21,99 €

13,59 €
Aquarium Screensaver Art4HD Video Art Volume 1
Vepotek Aqualic 360 Acrylic Aquarium Cylinder Fish Tank 70 Gallons w/LED Light & Sump Tank for Tropical Fresh Water Or Salt Walter (Glossy Black)
Snap! Pond Aquarium 3D
Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquarium - Auto Betta | Goldfish | Turtle | Koi Feeding Dispenser Fish Food Timer for Vacation Week - Fish Feeder Timetd Green No Battery LCD Screen 200ML
JIH Aquarium Fish Tank Plastic Plants and Cave Rock Decorations Decor Set 7 Pieces, Small and Large Artificial Fish Tank Plants with Cave Rock (CU89Red-7)
Lpraer 4 Pack Glow Aquarium Decorations Coral Reef Glowing Mushroom Anemone Simulation Glow Plant Glowing Effect Silicone for Fish Tank Decorations
Tulip (Botanical)
Penn-Plax RRB13 Troll Bridge Aquarium Ornament, 20" x 5" x 8" | Decor Made from Safe and Durable Resin with Amazing detailwork


bláthanna gairdín agus plandaí, toir agus crainn chun tírdhreachú; plandaí faoi dhíon 2024-2025
Plandaí agus bláthanna ornáideacha do ghairdín agus sa bhaile. Plandaí faoi dhíon.
Cur síos agus saintréithe, grianghraf, saothrú agus cothabháil.
Bláthanna Gairdín, Féara agus Raithneach