Plandaí tí Sulcorebutia grianghraf (Cactus Desert)

Plandaí tí Sulcorebutia (Cactus Desert)

dearg Plandaí tí Sulcorebutia grianghraf (Cactus Desert)
buí Plandaí tí Sulcorebutia grianghraf (Cactus Desert)
bán Plandaí tí Sulcorebutia grianghraf (Cactus Desert)

cliceáil grianghraf a mhéadú (Plandaí faoi dhíon)

dath bláthbándearg, buí, dearg
cineál cactus nó succulentcactus desert
bhfoirm ghléasra tísféarúil
airde plandaí (cm)níos ísle 30 cm
castacht atá ag fásundemanding
dath plandaíglas dorcha, glas éadrom, glas
suíomh na cactus nó succulentó dheas fhuinneog
minicíocht uisceannamh
uainiú bláthannaearrach
soilsiúghrian go hiomlán
taiseachas aeirtirim

Plandaí tí Sulcorebutia grianghraf (Cactus Desert)

chatalóg: Cactuses agus Succulents

Teach Leek
Teach Leek
Chops Tiger S, Jaws Chait, Jaws Tiger
Chops Tiger S, Jaws Chait, Jaws Tiger

Cabhraigh an tionscadal le do thoil! Comhroinn é le do thoil! Go raibh maith agat!


Cabhraigh an tionscadal le do thoil: Go raibh maith agat!

7,20 € (2,88 € / je 100 ml)

29,50 €

8,95 €

16,90 €

14,29 € (14,29 € / l)

28,76 €

7,95 €

21,27 €

19,95 €

10,99 € (43,96 € / l)

8,99 €

12,90 € (51,60 € / l)
Miracle-Gro Succulent Plant Food, 8 oz., For Succulents including Cacti, Jade, And Aloe, 2 Pack
EarthPods Premium Bio Organic Cactus & Succulent Plant Food – Concentrated Fertilizer (100 Spikes) – 6 year Supply – Easy: Push Capsule Into Soil & Water – NO Mess, NO Smell, NO Liquid – 100% Eco + Child + Pet Friendly & Made in USA
Miracle-Gro Cactus, Palm & Citrus Potting Mix and Succulent Plant Food - Bundle of Potting Soil (8 qt.) and Liquid Plant Food (8 oz.) for Growing and Fertilizing Indoor Succulents
Miracle-Gro Water Storing Crystals
Noot Organic Plant Food Liquid Fertilizer with 16 Root Boosting Strains of Mycorrhizae. Works for All Indoor Houseplants, Fern, Succulent, Aroid, Calathea, Philodendron, Orchid, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Cactus. Easy to Use. Non-Toxic, Pet Safe, Child Safe. Simply mix 1 tsp per 1/2 gal. use every watering!
Pump & Grow Succulence Cactus & Succulent Plant Food 16 oz



airde plandaí (cm)
cineál cactus nó succulent
castacht atá ag fás
minicíocht uisce
dath bláth
dath plandaí
suíomh na cactus nó succulent
uainiú bláthanna
taiseachas aeir
bhfoirm ghléasra tí

bláthanna gairdín agus plandaí, toir agus crainn chun tírdhreachú; plandaí faoi dhíon 2024-2025
Plandaí agus bláthanna ornáideacha do ghairdín agus sa bhaile. Plandaí faoi dhíon.
Cur síos agus saintréithe, grianghraf, saothrú agus cothabháil.
Bláthanna Gairdín, Féara agus Raithneach