Hemigrammus unilineatus
Hemigrammus unilineatus
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Active; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Silver; read more...
 Ember Tetra
Ember Tetra
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Red; read more...
 Hyphessobrycon agulha
Hyphessobrycon agulha
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Active; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Silver; read more...
 Hyphessobrycon amapaensis
Hyphessobrycon amapaensis
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Striped; read more...
 Hyphessobrycon copelandi
Hyphessobrycon copelandi
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Silver; read more...
 Hyphessobrycon elachys
Hyphessobrycon elachys
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Silver; read more...
 Hyphessobrycon epicharis
Hyphessobrycon epicharis
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Silver; read more...
 Serpae Tetra
Serpae Tetra
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Red; read more...
 Red Crystal Tetra, Harald Schultz's Tetra
Red Crystal Tetra, Harald Schultz's Tetra
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Red; read more...

length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Striped; read more...
 Loreto tetra
Loreto tetra
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Silver; read more...
 Black Phantom Tetra
Black Phantom Tetra
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Silver; read more...
 Hyphessobrycon minor
Hyphessobrycon minor
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Silver; read more...
 Lemon Tetra
Lemon Tetra
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Gold; read more...
 Hyphessobrycon roseus
Hyphessobrycon roseus
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Silver; read more...
 Lesser Bleeding Heart Tetra
Lesser Bleeding Heart Tetra
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Silver; read more...
 Coffee bean tetra
Coffee bean tetra
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Gold; read more...
 Vilmas Tetra
Vilmas Tetra
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Gold; read more...
 Iguanodectes adujai
Iguanodectes adujai
length of fish: 5-10 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Striped; read more...
 Iguanodectes geisleri
Iguanodectes geisleri
length of fish: 5-10 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Striped; read more...
 Iguanodectes spilurus
Iguanodectes spilurus
length of fish: 5-10 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Gold; read more...
 Purple Emperor Tetra
Purple Emperor Tetra
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Active; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Striped; read more...
 Silver Dollar Tetra
Silver Dollar Tetra
length of fish: 10-20 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Large Peaceful Fish; color fish: Silver; read more...
 Spotted metynnis
Spotted metynnis
length of fish: 10-20 Cm; type of behavior: Calm; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Large Peaceful Fish; color fish: Spotted; read more...
 Colletts tetra
Colletts tetra
length of fish: Up To 5 Cm; type of behavior: Active; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Gold; read more...
 Moenkhausia intermedia
Moenkhausia intermedia
length of fish: 5-10 Cm; type of behavior: Active; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Small Peaceful Fish; color fish: Green; read more...
 Pinktail Chalceus
Pinktail Chalceus
length of fish: 20-30 Cm; type of behavior: Aggressive; compatibility with other inhabitants: With Large Peaceful Fish; color fish: Silver; read more...
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