Fisk Simpsonichthys
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farve fisk | Stribet, Spottet, Sort, Rød, Broget |
levested | Bundlaget |
jorden | Groft Sand, Rullesten |
type akvarium | Åbent, Tæt |
vandtemperatur | I Nærheden 25°C |
belysning | Spredt |
minimum akvarium størrelse | Ikke Mindre End 50 Liter |
type adfærd | Aggressiv |
kompatibilitet med andre indbyggere | Akvarium Arter |
kompleksitet pleje | Moderat |
klasse | Ferskvandsfisk |
familie | hvalp fisk |
længde af fisk | Op Til 5 Cm |
kropsform | Aflange |
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katalog: Akvariefisk
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20,08 €
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61,87 €
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18,95 €
25,10 €
16,99 €
SHRIMP AQUARIUM: The All In One Guide to a Successful Fresh Water Shrimp Aquarium.
Vepotek Aqualic 360 Acrylic Aquarium Cylinder Fish Tank 70 Gallons w/LED Light & Sump Tank for Tropical Fresh Water Or Salt Walter (Glossy Black)
Aquarium for Your Home: Saltwater Reef an Aquarium for Your Television
My Sim Aquarium [Download]
MUNLIT Floating Fish Tank Decorations — Blue Fat Diver, Floating Device Fish Tank Accessories, Small Cartoon Aquarium Ornament and Toy
Penn-Plax OJ3 Action Aqua Aquarium Decoration Ornament | Sunken Ship with Plant | Great Detail and Action | Fun Decor for Any Tank
Aquatic Creations SPORN Aquarium Decoration, Ancient Vase 2
Soothing New Age Music