Sorte Spøgelse Kniv Fisk

latinske navn: Apteronotus albifrons

engelske navn: Black Ghost Knife Fish

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farve fiskSort
jordenKunstig, Groft Sand, Rullesten
type akvariumÅbent, Tæt
vandtemperaturI Nærheden 25°C
minimum akvarium størrelseIkke Mindre End 200 Liter
type adfærdAggressiv
kompatibilitet med andre indbyggereMed Stor Fredfyldt Fisk
kompleksitet plejeModerat
familiespøgelse kniv fisk
længde af fisk30-50 Cm

Sorte Spøgelse Kniv Fisk foto

katalog: Akvariefisk

Spottet Klatring Aborre, Leopard Bush Fisk
Spottet Klatring Aborre, Leopard Bush Fisk
Tailspot Bush Fisk
Tailspot Bush Fisk
Ctenopoma Oxyrhynchum
Ctenopoma Oxyrhynchum
Badis Badis
Badis Badis
Gøg Synodontis
Gøg Synodontis
Synodontis Angelicus Havkat
Synodontis Angelicus Havkat

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Hjælp venligst projektet: Tak skal du have!

1,09 €

153,14 €

3,61 €

2,90 €

20,39 €

10,89 €

11,99 € (23,98 € / l)

7,29 €

0,90 €

17,99 €

19,73 €

19,49 €

18,95 €

4,80 €

121,98 €

16,99 €
Aquarium: (Aquarium Books for Kids, Picture Book about Marine Animals, Nature Books)
Aqueon Aquarium Starter Kit with LED Lighting 20 High
Houdini 4 PRO Aquarium - Chess Software
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Penn-Plax OJ3 Action Aqua Aquarium Decoration Ornament | Sunken Ship with Plant | Great Detail and Action | Fun Decor for Any Tank
Penn-Plax RRB13 Troll Bridge Aquarium Ornament, 20" x 5" x 8" | Decor Made from Safe and Durable Resin with Amazing detailwork
Artificial Jellyfish Fish Tank Decoration, 2022 The Newest Fluorescent Silicone Simulation Floating, Fish Tank Ornament Aquarium Decoration, Fish Tank Fluorescent Glowing Beauty Fake Jellyfish Aquarium Ornament


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