Indoor Plant Food - All-Purpose Fertilizer (Liquid Alternative) - Best for Houseplants Indoors + Common Home Outdoor Plants in Pots (5 oz)
Houseplant Resource Center Monstera Plant Food with NPK 5-2-3 Ratio – Liquid Formulation Supports Optimal Nutrient Dispersal and Balanced Nitrogen Response for Strong Root Growth
Jobes Houseplant Food Spikes (1) (Multi)
Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose and Shake 'N Feed Plant Food Bundle: Feeds Flowers, Vegetables, Trees, and Houseplants
Liquid Love - All Purpose Liquid Fertilizer by GS Plant Foods (32 oz) - Natural Fertilizer for Vegetables, Herb Gardens, House Plants, Fruit Trees, Lawns & Shrubs
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градински цветя и растения, храсти и дървета за озеленяване; стайни растения 2024-2025