Garden Flowers
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 Amethyst Sea Holly, Alpine Eryngo, Alpine Sea Holly
 Jacob's Ladder
 Purple Viper's Bugloss, Salvation Jane, Paterson's Curse, Riverina Bluebell
 Stout Blue-eyed Grass, Blue eye-grass
 European Scopolia, Russian Belladonna
 Canada Mayflower, False Lily of the Valley
 Rose of Heaven
 Glory of the snow
 Sparaxis, Harlequin Flower
 Big Betony
 Cornflower Aster, Stokes Aster
 Hawaii Arrowhead, Japanese Arrowhead
 Flowering Rush
 Alligator flag, Powdery Thalia, Hardy canna
 Telekia, Yellow Oxeye, Heartleaf Oxeye
 Water Aloe, Water Soldier, Crab's Claw
 False Lupine, Lanceleaf Thermopsis
 Tiger Flower, Mexican Shell Flower
 Garden Thyme, English Thyme, Common Thyme
 Caucasian Penny Cress
 Crassula milfordiae
 Virginia Spiderwort, Lady's Tears
 Trillium, Wakerobin, Tri Flower, Birthroot
 Toad Lily
 Water Violet
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garden flowers and plants, shrubs and trees for landscaping; indoor plants 2024-2025
Ornamental plants and flowers for the garden and home. Indoor plants.
Description and characteristics, photo, cultivation and maintenance.
Garden Flowers, Grasses and Ferns