Garden Flowers
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 Polygala amara
 Spring Starflower
 Pot Marigold
 Grass Pink Orchid
 Sego Lily, Tolmie's Star Tulip, Hairy Pussy Ears
 Marsh Marigold, Kingcup
 Curled Tansy, Curly Tansy, Double Tansy, Fern-leaf Tansy, Fernleaf Golden Buttons, Silver Tansy
 Lady's Slipper, Slipper Flower, Slipperwort, Pocketbook Plant, Pouch Flower
 Fawn Lily
 Canna Lily, Indian shot plant
 Flowering Cabbage, Ornamental Kale, Collard, Curly kale
 Indian Paintbrush
 Love Plant, Cupid's Dart
 Sea lavender
 Rosebay willowherb
 Yellow Wax Bells
 Wood Sorrel, Whitsun Flower, Green Snob, Sleeping Beauty
 Alpine Spring Beauty
 Clarkia, Garland Flower, Mountain Garland
 False Blue Flax
 Rhodiola, Roseroot, Sedum, Leedy's Roseroot, Stonecrop
 Semenov's Amur Maple
 Red hot poker, Torch Lily, Tritoma
 Goat's rue
 Fragrant Orchid, Mosquito Gymnadenia
 Yellow Daisy
 Blue-Eyed Mary, Chinese Houses
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garden flowers and plants, shrubs and trees for landscaping; indoor plants 2024-2025
Ornamental plants and flowers for the garden and home. Indoor plants.
Description and characteristics, photo, cultivation and maintenance.
Garden Flowers, Grasses and Ferns