Garden Flowers
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 China Aster
 White Asphodel
 Hare's Ear, Roundleaf Thorow Wax, Thoroughwax
 Jade tree
 Patience Plant, Balsam, Jewel Weed, Busy Lizzie
 False indigo
 Common Periwinkle, Creeping Myrtle, Flower-of-Death
 Bartonia aurea
 Pimpinella Anisum
 Wax Begonias
 Wax Begonia, Tuberous Begonia
 Spring Snowflake, St. Agnes' Flower
 Petunia Fortunia
 Bur Marigold, Apache Beggarticks
 Swan River daisy
 Jovibarba, Hens and chickens houseleek
 Lingonberry, Mountain Cranberry, Cowberry, Foxberry
 False forget-me-not
 Bush Violet, Sapphire Flower
 Bolton's Aster, White Doll's Daisy, False Aster, False Chamomile
 Ale Ivy, Field Balm, Ground Ivy
 Bigleaf Ligularia, Leopard Plant, Golden Groundsel
 Betonica grandiflora
 Spring Meadow Saffron
 Dairy Pink, Cow Herb, Cow Basil, Cow Cockle
 Valeriana petrophila
 Valerian, Garden Heliotrope
 Jupiter's Beard, Keys to Heaven, Red Valerian
 Barren Strawberry
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garden flowers and plants, shrubs and trees for landscaping; indoor plants 2024-2025
Ornamental plants and flowers for the garden and home. Indoor plants.
Description and characteristics, photo, cultivation and maintenance.
Garden Flowers, Grasses and Ferns